We have just spent an amazing week thanks to a Dance Base Space Nature Nurture Residency at Jupiter Artland
Artistic Director Jennifer Paterson, along with 4 aerial dance artists we regularly work with, Chrissie Ardill, Beverley Grant, Freya Jeffs and Marie Williamson, spent 6 days in the grounds of Jupiter Artland in residence. They took the time to research and explore aerial harness, dance and movement inspired and enabled by the woodland there. We particularly loved hanging out and around Laura Ford’s Weeping Girls.
The residency was also supported by Curious Seed Dance, with mentoring from their Artistic Director Christine Devaney.
Below are some images from our time there. We have come away inspired and renewed with ideas that will feed into new creative work in the future. Its a very special place.
And a big thank you to those that came to play in our aerial harness workshops and the Jupiter Artland outdoor learning team.